The Community
We have been in Robe since December 2019 to bear witness to the Gospel with our lives and undertake works of social promotion and development, given the poverty of the region, where 4 million people live and Catholics represent 0.03% of the population.
We were invited to this region of southern Ethiopia by Father Angelo Antolini, who has pastoral responsibility for the Apostolic Prefecture of Robe, a territory the size of a third of Italy.
The Apostolic Prefecture of Robe is a large family: different ecclesial realities united to bear witness to the joy of the Gospel in fraternal communion.
Building bridges of fraternity among peoples and raising awareness of the urgency of the mission is one of our ministries in the Church and in all the countries where we serve.
In a reality where 97% of the population is Muslim, the focus on the poorest is like a small seed that demonstrates God’s love for the least among us.
Our mission in Robe is taking its first steps. As with any new endeavor, there are numerous needs, and we need your help to carry out our service.
Latest news
Recognizing the flesh of Christ in the most vulnerable brothers and sisters
“This is Christmas for us! The inviolable dignity of the human person necessarily has to do with Jesus who takes our flesh”
Capacity building for Robe staff
A two-day training in Robe to verify Villaregia Community projects in progress and to strengthen missionaries and their collaborators capacity.
Go to the crossroads, now!
The interlocutors become those we meet at street exits, at crossroads: the first proclamation will be that of God’s closeness and his Kingdom.
Sewing the future: a ‘rebirth experience’ in prison
21 young women prisoners benefited from a tailoring course at the Bale Regional Prison of Robe (Ethiopia).
The three sparks of the mission
The “hearts on fire and feet on the move” of missionaries in Ethiopia, on the frontiers of the very first evangelization. On the occasion of World
The dream and passion for the first evangelization
“It is important to know and understand what is happening on the other side of the planet to transform a story that is read in