Help support the work of missionaries around the world
The lives of the missionaries of the Villaregia Missionary Community are entirely dedicated to the proclamation of the Gospel and the promotion of the dignity of every human being.
We are present in Italy and in the outskirts of major cities in the southern hemisphere, in Latin America and Africa. Every day, we stand by the side of marginalized individuals who are facing difficult life situations, walking together with them.
We share the daily lives of these individuals, building relationships based on fraternity and friendship. We also support the Christian communities present in the territories entrusted to us through liturgical and sacramental services.
We also promote social development projects for the poorest segments of the population. We rely on the generosity of friends and benefactors, placing our trust in the providential love of the Father
Other ways to make a donation
Swift code: CCRTIT2T84A
IBAN : IT69R0501812101000012323440
Payable to: Comunità Missionaria di Villaregia
At: Banca Popolare Etica