Who we are

Who we are

The Missionary Community of Villaregia is a Catholic community whose members are consacrated men, consacrated women, clerics, singles and spouses of different nationalities. We are united by the same spirituality and mission: to be a community for the mission ad gentes (to peoples)

Originally founded in Italy in 1981, the Community is a “Public Association of the Faithful in itinere, with a view to becoming an Ecclesial Family of Consecrated Life of diocesan right”.


The Community’s mission is to proclaim the Gospel to the ends of the earth, starting in their communal life of fraternity and communion. This proclamation is extended especially to those peoples and socio-cultural contexts where Christ and his Gospel are unknown, addressing with special attention the privileged recipients of the Kingdom: the poor, weak, marginalized, and victims of injustice and oppression.

Trinitarian Spirituality

The Missionary Community lives a Trinitarian spirituality which is expressed through three fundamental dimensions: life of fraternal communion, mission ad gentes, and filial trust in God’s providential love.

  • Life of Fraternal Communion
    The community members are men and women, coming from different continents and different life conditions, who feel called to build community and to become one heart and soul in the fraternal sharing of spiritual and material goods.
  • Mission ad gentes
    The missionaries are united by a great passion for God and for humanity which fosters an outreach to all peoples in order to witness to the joy of the Gospel to every soul.
  • Filial Trust in God’s Providential
    Love The community members entrust their lives to Divine Providence, welcoming every event, brother, sister and gift as received from God’s hands, staying committed to become channels of God’s love for each other.